You “Aughta” Know: Dream Theater, SIX DEGREES OF INNER TURBULENCE
Mark the date on the calendar, dear reader, because today is a day to celebrate in future years as the anniversary of the debut of our newest column: “You ‘Aughta’ Know,” where we take a look back at an album from the 2000s that was released on or around this day.
Today, we’re shining the spotlight on an epic LP from Dream Theater: SIX DEGREES OF INNER TURBULENCE, which first hit record store shelves on January 26, 2002. It was the band’s sixth full-length release, and that’s with added emphasis on “full,” because it was an epic affair. We’re talking about a 96-minute concept album consisting of six songs spread across two discs…or, more specifically, it’s a five-song album on one LP and then the 42-minute title track, which is split into eight parts spread across the second LP and touches on – among other mental conditions – bipolar and post-traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, post-partum depression, autism, and dissociative personality disorder.
So, yeah, it’s kind of a heavy album.
That said, it’s also universally considered one of Dream Theater’s greatest albums, so if you don’t know SIX DEGREES OF INNER TURBULENCE… Well, you “aughta” know!
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