Rhino Factoids: Introducing Cliff Richard
59 years ago today, Cliff Richard began his career as a professional musician…except, of course, that he wasn’t actually called Cliff Richard yet.
Harry Webb was born in India, and he found his way to England when he was 11 years old, by which we mean he moved there with his parents. (Not that we don’t think that he could’ve found it on his own – it’s pretty big, after all – but we just thought we’d clarify.) Harry grew up, as most young boys do, and he went to school, leaving at age 16 and entering into a career in the clerical arts. Needless to say, this was not what destiny had in store for him, and he realized this right about the time the skiffle craze hit the UK.
Having fallen in love with this wild new sound, Harry promptly found his way into the ranks of the Dick Teague Skiffle Group on this very day in 1957, and it was with this group that he played in pubs around London. Soon, though, Harry wanted to rock a bit harder, so he formed his own group with a collective of fellow musicians: Harry Webb and the Drifters. In short order, however, the decision was made that “Harry Webb” simply didn’t scream “rock ‘n’ roll,” and it was at that point that Harry transformed himself into – wait for it – CLIFF RICHARD!
Oh, you saw that coming, did you? Well, yes, we did telegraph the ending a bit. Still, just because you knew how the story was going to end doesn’t make it any less impressive, especially when you consider just how much the former Harry Webb has accomplished in his career to date.
Want proof? Just check out the 75 AT 75 compilation, released in conjunction with Cliff’s 75th birthday and featuring 75 tracks from throughout his career. Not half bad, Harry…