If it seems like the vinyl release of LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING - THE COMPLETE RECORDINGS has been a long time coming, well, that’s only because it has. But what did you expect, really? It’s the last chapter in the LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy, after all. It’s not like we were going to release it second, you know?
But enough tomfoolery: let’s get down to serious business. And by that, we mean that we’ve made a very specific point of selecting this particular release date, as it falls not only within International Tolkien Week but also within a day of International Hobbit Day. Sorry, we don’t really do Saturday releases as a rule, so hopefully you’ll find it within your heart to buy this set a day early, since it’s coming out tomorrow!
THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING - THE COMPLETE RECORDINGS will be released on vinyl - and for the first time, no less - as a 6-LP set housed in a collector’s box with a green leather-style spine, and the LPs themselves are being pressed on green vinyl. Alas, there’ll only be 8,000 individually numbered copies released, so you’ll want to get yours while the getting’s good! Alternatively, however, we’re also releasing a 4-CD set version that also includes a Blu-ray audio disc, but both the vinyl and the CD versions include some pretty spiff liner notes by author Doug Adams. And, of course, no mention of this outstanding score would be complete without a shout-out to the man who composed the bloody thing: the legendary Howard Shore. Give him a hand, won’t you?
Finished applauding? Good, then we can close things out with a reminder of the track listing:
Track Listing:
Side A
- Roots and Beginnings
- Journey to the Cross-roads
- The Road to Isengard
- The Foot of Orthanc
- Return to Edoras
- The Chalice Passed
- The Green Dragon (Featuring Billy Boyd and Dominic Monaghan)
Side B
- Gollum’s Villainy
- Éowyn’s Dream
- The Palantír
- Flight From Edoras
- The Grace of Undómiel (Featuring Renée Fleming)
- The Eyes of the White Tower
Side C
- A Coronal of Silver and Gold
- The Lighting of the Beacons
Side D
- Osgiliath Invaded (Featuring Ben Del Maestro)
- The Stairs of Cirith Ungol
- Allegiance to Denethor
- The Sacrifice of Faramir (Featuring Billy Boyd Performing “The Edge of Night”)
Side E
- The Parting of Sam and Frodo
- Marshalling at Dunharrow
- Andúril–Flame of the West
- The Passing of the Grey Company
Side F
- Dwimorberg–The Haunted Mountain
- Master Meriadoc, Swordthain
- The Paths of the Dead
- The Siege of Gondor
Side G
- Shelob’s Lair
- Merry’s Simple Courage
- Grond–The Hammer of the Underworld
- Shelob the Great
Side H
- The Tomb of the Stewards
- The Battle of the Pelennor Fields
- The Pyre of Denethor
- The Mûmakil
- Dernhelm in Battle
- “A Far Green Country”
- Shieldmaiden of Rohan
Side I
- The Passing of Théoden
- The Houses of Healing (Featuring Liv Tyler)
- The Tower of Cirith Ungol
- The Last Debate (Featuring Sissel Performing Asëa Aranion)
- The Land of Shadow
Side J
- The Mouth of Sauron (Featuring Sir James Galway)
- “For Frodo” (Featuring Ben Del Maestro)
- Mount Doom (Featuring Renée Fleming)
- The Crack of Doom
- The Eagles (Featuring Renée Fleming)
Side K
- The Fellowship Reunited (Featuring Sir James Galway, Viggo Mortensen and Renée Fleming)
- The Journey to the Grey Havens (Featuring Sir James Galway)
Side L
- Elanor (Featuring Sir James Galway)
- Days of the Ring (Featuring Annie Lennox Performing “Into the West”)
- Bilbo’s Song
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