Digital Roundup: 3/3/2015

New this week in the Rhino Room at iTunes:
Collapsing Lungs, Colorblind: If the name “Olivia Newton Bundy” doesn’t mean anything to you, then it’s likely the band Collapsing Lungs won’t ring a bell, either, but Bundy – a stage name, of course – was one of the founding members of Marilyn Manson back when Marilyn Manson was a proper band rather than just a guy. (You know, kind of like Alice Cooper.) After departing the Manson family – see what we did there? – Bundy started Collapsing Lungs, an amalgam of hip-hop and heavy metal which caught the ears of critics but did very little from a commercial standpoint. If either the musical concept or the background of its creator strikes you as intriguing, then consider giving it a shot. It’s pretty infectious stuff.
Hericane Alice, Tear the House Down: Even in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s, not every hair metal band could make the big time, not even after scoring a major-label record deal, but that’s not to suggest that Hericane Alice, who made their way from Minneapolis to Hollywood to seek their fortune, didn’t deliver the goods with 1990’s Tear the House Down. The single “Dream Girl” might’ve been their big bid for mainstream success, but if “Wild, Young and Crazy,” “Bad to Love,” and “Tear the House Down” aren’t enough to sell you on this being one of the great should’ve-been-huge albums of the hair-metal era, then we don’t know what will.