Album of the Day
Strange Angels

Until the release of STRANGE ANGELS 30 years ago today, Laurie Anderson was seen more as a performance artist than a musician, yet like so much of her work, the Warner Bros. collection confounded expectations. Sure, you'll hear some of the deadpan vocal delivery familiar to fans since “O Superman,” but you'll hear honest-to-goodness singing, too (Anderson took lessons in preparation for this recording, and it turns out she has a beautiful voice). The album also marshals a small army of established accompanists - including guitarist Chris Spedding, singer Bobby McFerrin, The Roches and even Meat Loaf - while remaining distinct from mainstream pop or rock. Such songs as “Babydoll,” “The Dream Before” and the title track are quirky, literate and undeniably appealing even if their avant-garde roots sometimes show. Laurie Anderson's most accessible album, STRANGE ANGELS is an ideal introduction to the visionary artist.