Album of the Day
I Got a Name

By the time of I GOT A NAME, Jim Croce's name was well established as a hitmaker and storyteller par excellence. Unfortunately, this fifth album would prove to be his last - the beloved singer-songwriter died in a plane crash on this day in 1973, a few months before the collection's release. While the tragic circumstances may have influenced sales of the Cashman-West-produced set (which reached No.2 on the Billboard chart), the high quality of the 11 tracks were sufficient to ensure success. The classic title track (originally recorded for the film The Last American Hero), “I'll Have to Say I Love You in a Song” and “Workin' at the Car Wash Blues” were all Top 40 singles, and even the deepest album cuts shine with humanity and fine craftsmanship. As we remember Jim Croce, I GOT A NAME is a poignant reminder of the enduring appeal of his music.